Wednesday, October 12, 2011

1 Corinthians 10:13

     Have you ever had something stuck in your head? A quote from a movie, your favorite song, maybe even something someone told you once. Perhaps it’s an annoying theme song, a warning, a reminder, a bible verse, a punch line to a lame joke. Sometimes, something is said, and for whatever reason our minds just grab hold of it and can’t let it go.

     Two weeks ago a young man stood on a platform in front of the staff I work with, and his fellow Journey to the Heart attendees, and spoke a truth into the microphone. He quoted one of my favorite bible verses, and then proceeded to say something that little did I know, would lodge itself into my mind, and plant itself so firmly that I would still have it running through my head two weeks later. What he said was so simple, so true; I almost missed the profoundness of it entirely. But last night as I lay in bed, 1 Corinthians 10:13 repeated itself in my head over and over. Ironically enough, I had just memorized that verse a month before, and loved the peace it brought me when I quoted it to myself. But not until this young man said what he said did I grasp the responsibility that comes with understanding that verse. He stood in front of all of us and said, “’There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way of escape…’ There is no excuse not to take that way of escape.” That line has ran through my mind dozens of times since I heard it spoke, maybe it hit me so hard because that verse had always been one of my favorites, and I had missed the meaning of it entirely? Or maybe it hit me so hard because all of that responsibility had never even crossed my mind. I had been wondering why I couldn’t get what he said out of my head…but I think it’s because God knew it would take me that long to hear what it was He wanted me to understand. I love how God only gives us just as much as we can handle. He is very patient with me, and I love that about Him.

     Maybe all of this means nothing to ya’ll, but in the small chance it gets stuck in your head the way it did mine, be encouraged! 

In His Arms, 
<3 D


  1. Hey...I *Love* it. :-) and I *Love* you!

  2. What a winner blogger you are! :) And I loved your thoughts.
    PS. Come back here much to tell many laughs to be many geese to be run over.. :)

  3. Thanks guys. :) You both are the best!
